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Questions and Answers >> Boston Restaurants -- General Topics >> Favorite Place for a Panini Sandwich?

Favorite Place for a Panini Sandwich?

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What restaurants or sub shops in the Boston area are good places to go for a panini sandwich? Which specific panini sandwiches are particularly good at these places? [Go here to post a reply.]
(Posted on 9/15/09 by hiddenboston)


Finn wrote:
I love Pressed Sandwiches - they're on Oliver, Beacon, and Park Lane. The sandwiches may be a bit on the small side, but they're great. The grilled chicken salsa... mmm. I can taste it right now.
(Posted on 9/15/09)

Katy wrote:
Darwins often has a panini sandwich special. YUM!
(Posted on 9/15/09)

Corey wrote:
Pressed has the best grilled cheese!
(Posted on 9/15/09)

LTW wrote:
Please, people, the word "panino" (singular) means "sandwich," so "panini sandwich" is redundant and "panini" is the plural anyway.
(Posted on 1/11/10)


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