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Questions and Answers >> Hidden Restaurants -- Specific Topics >> How Is Charlie's Hot Dog Stand in New Bedford?

How Is Charlie's Hot Dog Stand in New Bedford?

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We recently drove by a hot dog stand called Charlie's in New Bedford while coming into the city from Achusnet. Didn't have a chance to try it, as we had just eaten in Lakeville a short time earlier. Has anyone been to Charlie's Hot Dog Stand? How does it compare to Nick's Coney Island in Fall River? [Go here to post a reply.]
(Posted on 4/30/09 by hiddenboston)


a wrote:
My boyfriend and I stumbled upon Charlie's late one night after a few cold beers down the street. We were looking for some tasty late night munchies of the fattening and filling variety and were not let down. We had a bacon cheeseburger, fries, and a can of soda for something like 7.50. Delicious!! Food was made to order on a flat top grill yum yum yum all I can say is its a damn good thing I didn't realize how good this place was sooner or I'd be a few pounds heavier!!
(Posted on 8/14/09)


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