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Unreviewed Restaurants >> Vermont >> Rhapsody Natural Foods (Montpelier)

Rhapsody Natural Foods

28 Main Street, Montpelier, VT 05602
(802) 229-6112 Find location!

Rhapsody Natural Foods is a cafe in Montpelier, VT, that Boston's Hidden Restaurants has not yet reviewed, but is considered a restaurant of interest by this Web site. Below is a section where our readers can give us their own reviews of Rhapsody Natural Foods.

Sample items on the menu at Rhapsody Natural Foods include miso soup, vegetarian chili, Russian beet salad, falafel, risotto, and sushi.

Cuisine: cafe food
Cost: inexpensive
Location: downtown
One Reason to Go: vegetarian and vegan offerings

(Note: Please contact us if you know of any other little-known restaurants that we should include on our site.)


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Note: Reader review posts have now been closed for this restaurant.