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Unreviewed Restaurants >> Vermont >> Asta's Swiss Restaurant (Jamaica)

Asta's Swiss Restaurant

***** (1 star, based on 1 review)
3894 Main Street (Route 30), Jamaica, VT 05343
(802) 874-8000 Find location!

Asta's is a Swiss restaurant in Jamaica, VT, that Boston's Hidden Restaurants has not yet reviewed, but is considered a restaurant of interest by this Web site. Below is a section where our readers can give us their own reviews of Asta's Swiss Restaurant.

Sample items on the menu at Asta's Swiss Restaurant include wiener schnitzel, Swiss beef ribs, chicken cordon bleu, and a knockwurst and bratwurst plate.

Cuisine: Swiss
Cost: moderately expensive
Location: southern Vermont
One Reason to Go: authentic Swiss cuisine

(Note: Please contact us if you know of any other little-known restaurants that we should include on our site.)


*****Nancy S. from Hamilton, MA, says:
Sorry, this is rather a bad joke on the Swiss. Odd, uncomfortable, we gave it our best effort, but the owners are a rough lot. The food, well, they need to show us the actual credentials that give them cause to boast of having a real "World Class Chef"...oh dear.
If this place would relax, be a bit more casual, they would not set themselves up for such harsh criticism.
The owner just gushes on and on about how unpolished, unsophisticated her Jamaica neighbors are, all the while revealing her own deep set ignorance and narrow mindedness.
For the money, just go to the Three Mountain Inn, a few doors up. Although they do not boast of having a "World Class Chef"-they actually do have one. No dinner we have ever had there was ever less than remarkable.
We were glad to be back in the car and driving away from Asta's.
Jamaica is such a neat spot in the world, it's unfortunate it doesn't have a casual eatery open in the evenings.
(Posted on 12/30/09)

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