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Boston Restaurant Blog -- October, 2008

Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Cooking Demonstration from Helene's Custom Cuisine

A couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure of meeting Helene Spoto, the owner of a personal and business culinary service called Helene's Custom Cuisine. I was able to attend one of her on-site "healthy cooking" demonstrations at a company north of Boston, where she showed folks how to make zucchini soup as well as pasta chicken and artichokes. Both items were absolutely delicious and relatively easy to make. And it is this last point that she seemed to stress, showing that healthy meals made from scratch do not necessarily need to a difficult and frustrating chore. Indeed, in talking to Helene after the demonstration, she reiterated the fact that cooking food should be fun, and that it really doesn't take much to create excellent dishes.

Helene was a joy to talk with, as she discussed some of her personal favorite dishes that she makes, and mentioned her interest in various chefs and celebrities on the Food Network, particularly Alton Brown (who is perhaps my favorite of the bunch). And like Alton Brown, Helene understands the importance of combining the art and science of food creation with the "fun" factor to help make cooking a memorable experience.

I will probably be attending another one of Helene Spoto's cooking demonstrations in a few weeks and honestly, I can't wait. She is a personal chef who really seems to knows what she is doing, and unlike some people in the culinary business, she understands the importance of adding humor and personality to cooking in order to make for a thoroughly enjoyable experience.


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